Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Lone Dancer

Her movements so graceful
All of the world
Goes silent beneath you
Pausing momentarily with the wistful music
Moving on stretched, pointed toes
Curl together
Press the fear away
Still she moves through
The eyes,
They do not bother her
Against her fear and her pain
Lifting her head up high to match her beautiful pirouette
Although alone
Although afraid
She keeps going
Always the
Lone dancer


  1. Beautiful! One thing, you start the poem with movement then you stop her in a stance, which is a perfect picture of ballet, but the way you state it seems so final, then she moves again. my suggestion, something like "freezes briefly, motionless, pauses momentarily with the music" or something that has less finality than "does not move from her stance"

  2. Oh yeah... I see what you mean... I shall fix. Thanks!
